Feb 10 1657. The arrival of “Christoff Hohweg”…

… in Hadmersleben. From this event onwards, the branch of Howeg in Hadmersleben existed for over 200 years before many people started moving to other places. The here used variant “Hohweg” is a rather simple one as it is only adding the h after the o to mark the vowel’s length. This is still done in present German, just not with this type of name.

Christoph Howeg, as he’ll now be called in this text, was a cook born in Halberstadt. For now that’s everything we know about his life before his marriage with Catharina, a daughter of Hadmersleben citizen Berent Heinemann, who he married on the mentioned date. Of his 5 sons born, only 2 are written about further in the church books of this town, namely Bernhard (called Bernd) born on Oct 21 1659 and Burkhard (called Busso), whose birthdate has not yet been found. Bernd goes on to become a “kemmerer” (chamberlain) of Hadmersleben while Busso lives as a weaver, a profession that is surprisingly common among all Howeg branches.

Christoph died fairly early on Nov 13 1664 at the supposed age of 34, the cause of death is not recorded. This led to the rare event of his last son Johann Christoph Howeg being born after his death on Jun 18 1665.